set a Unity .gitignore file

In Febluary I made an eye tracking game app for HoloLens.


One of my friends, Horomoto san also participated in the hackathon.

Horomoto san made Yubimoji HoloLens App and Release.


Having been Influenced by Holomoto san, I'm also interested in realease App!!

First I'm going to list the tasks.

1. Managing an eye tracking app on GitHub

2. Making stages of Level2 and Level3 

     - Learning Scene management system of MRTK

3. Changing Clear Effects

4. Find out how to release


Today I'll start on the github management task.

There are already a lot of commits in my project (455 commit), and some file's size are large. 

What is a Git LFS

画像を含めると1GB以上あったので、Git Large File Storageを使ってみた |




Without using gitLFS and continuing the operation, some files could not be commited and an error occured.

Some files may not need to be commited. I have not  managed git ignore before, so I don't know if this is related, but I will take this opportunity to look into it.


It seems to be a git ignore file available for Unity.


I  saved the .gitignore file in the same folder where the asset folder is located, and set up is completed.




According from the reference site, there are some files that should be excluded from git management like cashe , solution file which are made by Unity IDE.


